Friday, February 20, 2009

A Day at the Park

Today the weather was just beautiful outside! It was a nice change from the freezing cold, although the cold weather will be back tomorrow! Urgh! Ava and I walked to the park in our neighborhood and played like best was the best :) We collected flowers and sang songs. Just precious. I am amazed at how quickly she is growing up right before my eyes. It is so fun and sort of sad all at the same time. I realized today as I watched her play, that she is her own little person with such an incredible imagination. When did all of this happen?!!! I feel like she was just a sweet baby girl, and now she is a pantie wearing, sentence talking, fun loving little girl. Did I mention Sassy??? WOW! It is probably the pregnancy hormones, but today it hit me just how much I cherish each and everyday with Ava. I love you baby girl!

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