Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Today Ava wouldn't go down for her nap without her Bible. The girl LOVES her some Jesus! I let her bring it to bed with her, tucked her in, and off I went. A few seconds later I heard her screaming like she had just been shot and that her Nunny had been stolen! I was going to the bathroom at the time, so I couldn't exactly drop everything and run in there. I then heard that she was crying for her Bible...I assumed that maybe it fallen between her bed and the wall and was just out of sight. As soon as I finished using the restroom, I hurried into Ava's room to find her reaching out of her bed for her bible that was lying on the floor right beside her bed. Mind you this is a small toddler bed that sits about 12 inches off the ground...it was maybe one inch away from her fingers! Ha! She very easily could have gotten out of bed, grabbed it, and then jumped right back in bed! Instead she was crying like it had fallen off a cliff 100 feet to never be seen again. You know like in the movies when someone is reaching over a cliff trying to save someones life, and they just can't reach! HILARIOUS! After I realized that nobody was dying, I picked up her Bible and safely handed it to her. She was so relieved to have her Bible again (like it had been missing for months). She stuffed her Nunny into her mouth and rolled her tired eyes into the back of her head. This experience was clearly exhausting for her! She started saying "go night night, go night night" like everything was now okay to go to sleep. Here comes the cute part... she immediately laid down all nestled in like she always does, placed her Bible right in front of her, folded her little hands like she was praying on top of the Bible, and then fell fast asleep. PRECIOUS! While my eyes couldn't believe it, my heart just melted.


Anonymous said...

My heart melted as well when I read this....

Anonymous said...

帳號的設計 要有什麼經驗
發問者: Hokkiao ( 實習生 5 級)
發問時間: 2008-10-07 06:59:19 ( 還有 1 天發問到期 )
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