Monday, August 18, 2008

Time is Flying!

Ever since Ava turned two, time just seems to be flying by! I can't believe how quickly she is growning up! She has GOT to slow it down a little :) Today we met with Ava's preschool teacher, Mrs. Svajhart, at Lamb of God (the church where Ava will start preschool twice a week) and just LOVED her!!!! It is such a blessing that months ago when I was looking into all of the preschools in the area, I fell in love with Lamb of God, and especially Mrs. Svajhart's 2 yr old class! I got to sit in and watch their two 2 yr old classes, and was completely impressed with both, but Mrs. Svajhart really seemed like she was CRAZY FUN! Ava is going to have a blast at preschool...can't wait!

So now that Ava is 2 she thinks she is such a big girl! It is so awesome to watch her imagination run wild, and to watch her grow everyday. What a funny little girl she is. She loves taking care of all of her babies...changing their diapers, and even taking baths with them (thanks Tamasan!) She pushes them in their baby stroller everywhere she goes, with a purse on arm while talking on her cell phone!!! It is a sight to see!!! Ava also plays in her play kitchen like she had her own cooking show! HILARIOUS! Thanks to the Grandparents, Ava makes me breakfast everyday along with much fun!

I hope she slows down just a bit, otherwise my next blog article may be about colleges we are considering!!! AHHHHH!

1 comment:

MK said...

She looks like she is having so much fun! Lily wants to come and play~