Monday, August 4, 2008

Oh the Joy in making a Mess!

It is too hot to go outside and play today, so we stayed inside and painted!!! Weeeeeee! Ava LOVES to paint and create what she calls "beautiful pictures" so we encourage it! Yes it is a mess to be reckoned with, but thanks to Crayola Washable paint....we have no stains!!!! My friend Kay told me how awesome Crayola Washables were, and I must say it is like watching a miracle take place before your eyes! It's neat to see Ava's creativity and to watch her little imagination go! So Fun! We experimented with some fun new colors today, thanks to Ava and her mixing skills. Looks like we have a little Picasso on our hands :)


MK said...

Super cute! love the pony!! you should frame the some of those pics...

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the same thing....I love her pony tail!! You should do it more often....super cute!

Anonymous said...

that was me(Nicole)who just posted that last comment... :)