Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A thousand miles an hour!

Pretty much sums up the day....oh you mean the day isn't over yet?!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Not sure if the dried spaghetti sauce in my hair says anything?

Ava has been 1,ooo miles an hour today. She has tried on every shoe in the house and has been taking a mental note of what her boundaries are. She already knows them, but for some reason needed a review today. "If I touch this is it okay? No, it's not...so what if I touch it again??? Then if I do it a third time is Mommy going to flip out??" What a stinker!

Boy life is crazy! Ava is almost two and just about the funniest thing I have encountered! It is so neat to watch her grow into her own little person. She makes me laugh every day. Life is great and I am so blessed to have my family.


Anonymous said...

I love your new BLOG!! I'll be checking it weekly so I'm expecting to be entertained....no pressure, or anything!!

P.S. What a sweet picture of Angel Ava!
Love, Tamasan

Anonymous said...

I love it already! Who'da thunk it? My wife, a blogger?!?! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to my blogger friend! She is as precious as her mommy is! We miss you and I will definitely check back!


Anonymous said...

Oh Brother!!! That picture of Ava is so sweet! I love it! Nice work on the whole blogging thing...I am very impressed little missy!

MK said...

Super exciting!! It will be great to keep yp with you this way!! Love the name!!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I tried blogging on MySpace and I stunk! I will be checking back- so you better keep the ball rollin'!